Be part of the Team sharing how people CAN increase their Joy and Happiness in Life by lessening the corrosive effects of Limbic Brain Distress with the “Inner Technology”® 3-Touch Momentation System
(see below).
In the near future, Free Soul WILL have a Training Program
for people who want to Certified Instructors in the “Inner Technology”® 3-Touch Momentation System.
For NOW you CAN be apart of that effort by:
– spreading the word that ALL PEOPLE deserve to be happier with less Limbic Distress
– using the “Inner Technology”® 3-Touch Momentation System (below) to make YOUR Life BETTER.
– sharing the “Inner Technology”® 3-Touch Momentation System with others
– directing them to this page so they can learn “Inner Technology”® 3-Touch Momentation System for themselves
Money can’t buy happiness. Achievements can’t guarantee happiness. Other people can’t give you permanent happiness if you are eroding your joy from within with Limbic distress.
If you are reading this, you have the knowledge and skills (or will have by the end of this page) for sharing with ALL people the “Inner Technology”® 3-Touch Momentation System for soothing Limbic Brain. You can give them Methods for seeing the sweets in life rather than being overwhelmed by the sours.
Access Your Brain’s Joy Center 2025 Addendum (with “Inner Technology”® 3-Touch Momentation System)
This addendum will make it easier for you to access your brain’s joy center and fully use the joy touch technique in your daily life.
Over the years, as I lectured on Inner Technology® for happiness, I realized that even the best technique can become worthless if it takes too long to do (or to learn). That principal also applies to the Joy Touch Technique (taught in chapter 1).
Raising two boys, I was lucky if they gave me 20 minutes to meditate twice a decade, let alone twice a day. So I thought, “There have to be secrets from science for “momentations,” things that work in 5 to 10 seconds.”
Possibly the most important of those is the discovery in this book for getting freedom from the stress, hurt, and unhappiness generated by the limbic brain (the middle layer of the brain called the limbic system). That limbic part of the brain might be responsible for as much as 90 percent of our unhappiness — worries, hurts, angers, and fears. The notion that humanity was more survivable as miser- able than happy is from our evolutionary past. If you went walking through the meadow blissed out back in caveman days, something would have you for lunch.
When people have never heard about the limbic brain–unhap- piness connection, they blame themselves when they do not feel happy or good. When they can’t seem to release a hurt, ease stress, or dissipate an anxiety or anger, they say, “What’s wrong with me? I thought I was smarter than that. I thought I was more spiritual than that or a better Christian.”
Remember this, always: When you don’t feel good, it is not your fault. It is your physiology. The discoveries in this book will teach you how to counter those limbic distresses.
In this addendum, you will learn the Inner Technology® 3-Touch Momentation System. These rapid techniques soothe limbic brain distress and make it easier to learn the full Joy Touch Technique for triggering your brain’s natural mood-elevation mechanisms.
Once you know the 3-Touch Momentation System and how to fully self-trigger the Joy Touch Mood-Elevation Fibers (taught in chapter 1), you will have life-changing skills for easing distress and staying calm even during the most difficult of circumstances.
I have used (and continue to use) these discoveries to help me through numerous stressful life situations since the writing of this book. Not the least of those challenges is effectively losing my oldest son to a rare case of brain damage. We were prepared to lose our younger son due to his very dangerous military deployments. The Joy Touch Technique and the Comforting Connection insights (chapter 2) helped me get through those anxious years. That knowl- edge gave me the skills for converting constant worry into care and prayer.
All concerns are valid. Choose to care about the concern rather than worry about it. Care is soul. Worry is limbic brain. Fortunately, my younger son returned to us safe and sound.
Life Challenges
Unfortunately, my wife and I have basically lost our retirement. We will probably be our oldest son’s caregivers for the rest of our lives. He had a high-paying job teaching surgeons the latest spinal surgical devices. Unknown to any of us, he had a medical condition that caused brain damage induced paranoia. One day he became convinced serial killers were coming to get him. Without a word to anyone, he left his job, emptied his bank account, and was lost for a year.
One of the saddest days of my life was getting a phone call from a Florida State Trooper, “Glad I reached you, Mr. Sanders. I have some good news and some bad news.”
I then said, “Give me the good news first.” The trooper replied, “The good news is I just took your son off the national missing person database.”
Because the limbic brain always defaults us to negative thinking, I replied, “Because you just found him dead, right?”
“Oh no, he is standing right here next to me,” The trooper responded.
“Then how can there be bad news.” I inquired.
What the trooper said next broke my heart: “Well, here in Florida the law is: he knows his name, the date, and who the president is, but he still wants to flee. So the minute I hang up the phone with you, I have to let him go. Even if you were getting off the plane at the airport coming to help him as his medical power of attorney, I can’t hold him one second longer.”
My son was lost another six months before he finally made his way home sixty pounds underweight. It’s a long story. We have him stabilized now, and he feels safe with us. However, we will probably be his caregivers for the rest of our lives.
What got me through that time — and every day since as I deal with the stresses of living with and caring for an intellectually disabled relative — is the Joy Touch Technique and the addition of the 3-Touch Momentation System. It has been a godsend knowing how, in seconds, to soothe limbic distress and self-trigger those proven mood-elevation fibers. It helps me stay as calm and as happy as possible even during stressful times. Those life-changing abilities for greater success, health, and happiness can be yours as well. Let’s get started with the first of the 3-Touch Momentation System.
To be truly successful, any Inner Technology® technique for coun- tering limbic brain distress must have a physiological basis. You might know all the psychology, philosophy, and spiritual or religious insights in the world. However, when you are triggered limbically, you are cut off from that knowledge and stuck in loops of worry, hurt, anger, or fear.
What is needed is a physiologically based technique to dial down that limbic brain’s overwhelming noise so that you can access the knowledge you have as well as any potential new insights.
The 3-Touch Momentation System, Step 1
This first step of the 3-Touch Momentation System will seem simplistic at first, but trust me, it has a physiological basis.
- Hold up one hand. In that hand is everything you have ever done, good or bad. We want the whole you, past and present.
- Now hold up the other hand. In that hand is everything you still hope to do.
- Next, cross your hands and bring them down giving yourself a hug.It feels good, doesn’t it? This technique takes only seconds, and it is free!Realistically, you can’t do this two-handed, self-cherishing hug in public (at work or with challenging people or family members). Therefore, it is crucial to learn the one-handed version.
• Put that good feeling in one hand in front of you.
• Then bring that one hand right to the center of your chest.Notice how it similarly feels good. The biomagnetic field of the hand triggers the vagus nerve a little bit, and that soothes limbic brain distress about 10 to 20 percent of what you can get when you fully know how to activate the septum pellucidum mood-elevation fibers.
You can do this anywhere, anytime. Even when you are in a public or work setting, you can use this first step of the 3-Touch Momentation System. If you tap lightly with your fingers, you can even look as if you’re being reflective.
It is essential to do the two-handed version before we go to sleep at night because we tend to go to sleep “shoulding” on ourselves. If you have things you think you should’ve done, write them down and get to them tomorrow. Cherish what you did today, because you will wake up exactly how you go to sleep tonight. If you go to sleep “shoulding” on yourselves, you won’t get full regenerative rest, and that lowers your immune system.
When lying down, most people find that crossing their arms and giving themselves a hug feels a little awkward. Try this instead: Bring both hands to the center of the chest.
Feel how easy that is. No matter how exhausted I am, I can take 2 to 5 seconds and cherish what I did do that day.
Practice 1
- Think of something you tend to should on yourself about (feel- ing behind or that you are not good enough).
- Next, place either both hands or one hand in the center of your chest.
- Then bring to mind what you have done, and cherish yourself for that.
The 3-Touch Momentation System, Step 2The reason I know everyone can learn to trigger those fibers is that I had to teach it to my grandson at four and a half years old while in the hospital. A freak accident at the Sedona skateboard park broke his femur clean through, and he had to have the open-leg, screw-the-bar-to-the bone surgery.
For a variety of reasons, he refused any pain medication after the surgery, even children’s Tylenol. But he let PawP Pete teach him the Joy Touch Technique for pain control (chapters 1 and 6 of this book) so that he could sleep at night.
When we decided to do the children’s book Alice Makes an Amazing Discovery, which teaches children how to quiet their limbic worriers and activate their septum soothers, we used the simpler explanation (and illustration) just as I taught him in the hospital. That simple explanation is as follows:
Have you noticed that when people get really stressed out, one of the things they do is run a hand across their foreheads or hold it at
their foreheads? The biomagnetic field of the nerves in the hand can get through the bony plate of the skull and trigger those mood-ele- vation fibers in the septum pellicidum area. That is the second step of the 3-Touch Momentation System.
Practice 2
- Bring to mind something that tends to make you anxious (either a situation or a person).
- Next, take a hand and just hold it to your forehead or caress your forehead with it.
- Feel how that eases your tightness and lifts a weight off your shoulders.
The 3-Touch Momentation System, Step 3
The third part of the 3-Touch Momentation System is the Soul- Shift Technique (described in full in pages 115–119). For the pur- poses of this addendum, anything that helps pull your focus up is a mini Soul-Shift technique.
Superstrings physics says everything: You, me, and the planet exist in ten or more dimensions. Those are the three variables of space we are used to (front-back, right-left, up-down), as well as time and six or more dimensions that we don’t have the technology to build machines to measure yet.
If you’re interested in more in-depth information about super- strings physics, download and watch the PBS Nova TV show seg- ments “The Elegant Universe” and “Fabric of the Cosmos.”
Because of superstrings physics, I no longer think of the word “soul” as just a religious term. When I taught what’s contained in this book at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I could say to brain-science students and professors (even if they were atheists) “you as a soul” and mean: your body and all your extra dimensions that superstrings physics says we exist in.
An even simpler way to think of how superstrings physics implies “you are a soul that has a body” is to picture an iceberg. Most of the iceberg is below the water. Very little of it extends above the water. Superstrings physics basically says the body is the above the water part of the iceberg. It is totally real. But it’s not all there is.
Your birthright is to have access to the whole iceberg. Knowing the Soul-Shift Technique, the Joy Touch Technique, and the 3-Touch Momentation System allows you to live life with the unlimited potentials that ARE your Birthright as a Free Soul.
Practice 3
- Think up: sense (feel, visualize, understand, or know) the space above your head.
- (If you prefer, hold up one hand just above the level of the top of your head.)
- Understand/remember that you exist (as a soul) into the beyond.
- Know from that higher level that you can sense and think moreclearly with less distress.Additional mini soul-shift methods:
- any visualization that pulls your focus up (a mountaintop, tree- tops, the sky, the stars, etc.)
- remembering a time you felt connected with the Infinite or the Divine
- running your hand over the top of your headNot knowing how the limbic system of the brain creates the majority of our distress is the missing link in self-help and happi- ness training. Because people don’t know what you will learn from this book, they blame themselves. If they can’t release a worry, hurt, anger, or fear, they say, “What’s wrong with me? I thought I was smarter than that. I thought I was more spiritual or a better Chris- tian.” Remember, when you don’t feel good, it is not your fault. It is your physiology.We all have limbic brains. We can’t get a “limbectomy.” By researching, exploring, and practicing Inner Technology® meth- ods, we do not let that evolutionary past part of our brains win and degrade our happiness.
Final Practice
- Bring to mind something that you know can make you “limbic,” such as a job situation or a difficult relative.
- First, notice how you feel when you bring that situation to mind. Is it tense, heavy, or anxious? Identifying when you’re “going limbic” is the first step. You can’t counter something you don’t recognize.
- Next, if you choose to, close your eyes.
- When you are initially learning a new process, keeping youreyes closed is usually best. It cuts out visual distractions. That allows you to focus on what you’re doing. It’s most important, however, to remember that you have the choice. You always do better when you feel you have choices.
- Now bring to mind the situation that you know can make you limbic.
- As you feel the limbic dis-ease increase, bring both your hands to the center of your chest.
- Cherish that you care enough to let yourself get limbic. Also know and feel that you deserve better.
- Now take one hand (your choice of which) and caress your fore- head. Imagine clearing away the grime and heaviness of limbic distress.
- Finally, point that hand up or just think up.
- Know that you are more than a limbic brain and limbic reac-tions. Embrace being a pioneer, researching how to live life as a soul with your full potentials for success, health, and happiness.Whether you take any of Free Soul’s Inner Technology® train- ing or not, let’s all be a force for spreading the word: It’s time for humanity to evolve beyond living limbically. It’s time to be kinder to ourselves, our family, our neighbors, and the world.
Until we meet, either in person in Sedona, Arizona, or through Free Soul’s other training materials, know that you are a one-of-a- kind beautiful soul and that you are loved.
Pete A. Sanders Jr.
A Children’s Book
with the Joy Touch Discovery
is available in Print
or as a Digital Download from