“Limitless Love”

The FULL Content of Free Soul's

40th Anniversary Retreat

PS Limitless Love Cover v3

Soul Science for "Limitless" Love (of Self, of Life, with Partners, and with the Divine) and Serenity Through ANY Storm

Recharge YOUR Spirit and Wellness With the LATEST Discoveries from Sedona

All the Insights Without the Travel

Taught Directly to YOU by Pete A. Sanders Jr., M.I.T. Honors Graduate and Founder of Free Soul


NEW Psychic and Soul Techniques
For the DEEPEST Insight, Healing and Happiness

Advanced Soul Vision of Life Purposes
For Living AS a Soul in ALL Facets of YOUR Life

Clearing This Life and Past-Life Hurts
To Live "In Serenity through the Storms"

Session Descriptions:

Session 1 - Soul Science for "Limitless Love"
Session 2 - Enhancing Your Love of Self
Session 3 - Enhancing Your Love of Life
Session 4 - Enhancing Your Love Connection with Partners
Session 5 - Enhancing Your Love Connection the Infinite/Devine
Session 6 - Clearing Past-Life Soul Bruises & Accessing Positive Past-Life Memory
Session 7 - Secrets for Successful Vortex Vision Questing
Session 8 - Keys for Moving Forward & Living Life AS a Soul

No Downloads or Apps are Required. "Limitless Love" will be accessible after purchase via your individualized login password.

Additional Resources:

Science for Living as a Soul

Science for Living AS a Soul

    • 11 Specific Keys for Advanced Soul Awareness Skills
    • How to Tap New Energies for Greater Vitality and Wisdom
    • Accelerated Learning Methods and Insights for Greater Happiness
    • PLUS Secrets for “Soul Esteem” and a Deep Inner Contentment and Wisdom during ALL of Life

Looking for a Place to Start?

Discover YOUR Study Order to Match YOUR Learning Pathway for Maximum Progress