Pete A. Sanders Jr. is an Honors Graduate of Massachusetts Institute of Technology with principal studies in Bio-Medical Chemistry and Brain Science. Accepted to attend Harvard Medical School, he chose instead to pursue independent exploration of Mind/Body/Spirit potentials for developing THE FREE SOUL METHOD, "Inner Technology" Techniques and "Secrets from Science" for Creating YOUR OWN Enlightenment.
In 1980, after traveling the world for five years field testing his techniques, he founded the Free Soul NonProfit Mind/Body Education in Sedona, Arizona. He is consider the leading expert on Sedona's famous Vortex Meditation Sites.
Every Monday (1-2:30p.m.) at the Los Abrigados Resort and Every Saturday (3-4:30p.m.) at Sedona Real, he presents Scientific Vortex Information ($15/person). Scientific Vortex Information is also available as a book, e-book, or audiobook.
In the first two decades of his research and teaching Mr. Sanders focused on brain science breakthroughs for tapping the unlimitedness of the human potential. These included mind/body healing skills, keys for cardiovascular stress reduction, energy blending for greater oneness with the Soul and beyond, and how to access the body's Psychic Reception Areas. These discoveries are all contained in his first book, You Are Psychic! (in print, as an E-book, or an Audible Book) and taught even more comprehensively in his Dynamics of Being a Free Soul 10-Lesson Course available from either as a Self-Study Textbook, 24-CDs, or as a Discounted Textbook+CDs Combo Option).
In the late 1980's, mid-life pressures lead Pete to develop brain science keys for relieving the limitations on happiness caused by the "Limbic Brain" (the anxieties, hurts, and negative emotional stresses created by the limbic system). The discovery of how, in seconds, to directly stimulate Natural Mood-Elevation fibers in the brain's was the result. Those discoveries are in Access Your Brain's Joy Center (available in print, and as an E-book, or a Discounted Book + DVD & CD Combo Option). Recently, he has also been sharing those discoveries to help Vets with PTSD Relief (see link on Home Page).
Free Soul has decades of training materials for seekers wanting to learn more about being Their Own Best teachers. The NEW 2-DVD set Science for Living AS a Soul contains the best of Mr. Sanders' most recent Discoveries.