Free Soul Home

The FREE SOUL METHOD for Creating YOUR Enlightenment

Founded by M.I.T. Honors Graduate, Pete A. Sanders Jr.


Keys for Being YOUR OWN Best Teacher of Psychic, Soul, Vortex, Self-Healing, & Natural Mood-Elevation Discoveries.

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You Are Psychic Book Mockup


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Scientific Vortex Information

Scientific Vortex Information

Sedona Vortex Secrets as a Book, eBook or Audiobook!


Brain's Joy Center

Be MORE Than Physical and Mental Distress

Improve YOUR Life with Brain Science Discoveries for Feeling Better Fast Without Alcohol, Nicotine or Overeating

Alice Mockup V2

Help Children Have Less Anxiety and Fear

How They CAN Quiet Their "Limbic Worriers" and Activate Their "Septum Soothers"


Science for Living as a Soul V2

Learn Science for Living Life "As A Soul"

The Latest Advanced Training for FULLY TAPPING the Serenity Psychic/Soul Unlimited Potentials That ARE Your Birthright! 

(DVD or Digital Download)

Vision Quest Large

Sedona's Benefits ANYWHERE

Recharge and Get Answers Wherever You Are: in Sedona, at Home, Anytime You Need It!

Soul Science for "Limitless" Love and Serenity Through ANY Storm

Recharge YOUR Spirit and Wellness with the LATEST Discoveries from Sedona

Insights & Methods You Can Use for the REST OF YOUR LIFE

Clear Past-Life Bruises and Access Past-Life Memory

You Are Psychic Book Mockup

Available Thru All Bookstores or as an eBook or Audiobook

Expand your psychic abilities!

Vision Quest Mockup

Sedona's Benefits ANYWHERE

Recharge and Get Answers Wherever You Are: in Sedona, at Home, Anytime You Need It!

Scientific Vortex Information

Scientific Vortex Information

Sedona Vortex Secrets as Book, eBook or Audiobook!



Brain's Joy Center

Be MORE Than Physical & Mental Distress

Improve YOUR Life with Brain Science Discoveries for Feeling Better Fast Without Alcohol, Nicotine or Overeating

Alice Mockup V2

Help Children Have Less Anxiety and Fear

How They CAN Quiet Their "Limbic Worriers" and Activate Their "Septum Soothers"

Science for Living as a Soul V2

Learn Science for Living Life "As A Soul"

The Latest Advanced Training for FULLY TAPPING the Serenity Psychic/Soul Unlimited Spiritual Potentials That ARE Your Birthright!

PS Past Life Cover V2

Insights & Methods You Can Use for the REST OF YOUR LIFE

Clear Past-Life Bruises and Access Past-Life Memory

PS Limitless Love Cover v3

Soul Science for "Limitless" Love and Serenity Through ANY Storm

Improve YOUR Life with Brain Science Discoveries for Feeling Better Fast Without Alcohol, Nicotine or Overeating


"You ARE a SOUL.

You Have a Body."

Sedona Programs

"The Primary Purpose of Free Soul is to Share Skills That Help People Be Their Own Best Spiritual Teachers."

Learn About Our Recommended Study Order to Maximize Your Progress

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For Help With PTSD Relief for Vets and Active Military